My First Love Is Agnes Ali Awan by ghulamsabir
For the first time I felt
this true love in my heart
it is buried so deep
and that I would always keep
All through the darkest night
you抮e the brightest star in my sight
always been at my side
even in a grisly fright
You clothe me when I shiver
with your ever warm embrace
you抮e the moon that lights my way
that makes me feel very gay
You wipe the tears on my cheeks
the tears of joy that I抳e seek
and it抯 you, my love, my divine
That makes me shine so bright
You抮e the sun in my sky
staring at me with all your might
guiding me with your ever shining light
For the first time in my life
I found my love and my life
without you I will cry
for you my love I will die!
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